We reported back in October that SB 350, the California Senate Bill that would have regulated lane splitting, was essentially dead. A staffer in bill sponsor Jim Beall’s office told us: Senator Beall does not plan to take any action…
We reported back in October that SB 350, the California Senate Bill that would have regulated lane splitting, was essentially dead. A staffer in bill sponsor Jim Beall’s office told us: Senator Beall does not plan to take any action…
January 2014 has been an upcoming dark spot on the calendar for us here at the LaneSplittingIsLegal HQ—SB350, the bill that would introduce substantially restrictive limits on how we split lanes in California, was supposedly going to be revisited in…
Sergeant Mark Pope, Statewide Coordinator for the California Motorcyclists Safety Program and the CHP spokesperson who’s been quoted in various articles about the recently released CHP lane splitting guidelines, graciously took some time out this week to answer some questions about…
In spite of the AMA reporting that SB 350 would be withdrawn, the bill history was updated yesterday as moved to Transportation & Housing Committee. The current bill status for SB 350 shows: LAST HIST. ACT. DATE: 02/28/2013 LAST HIST.…
The AMA reported this afternoon that Senator Jim Beall will withdraw SB 350, pending result of the University of California-Berkeley safety study which I’ve heard is just getting going. This is great news. The bill was poorly written and extremely vague, and…
There’s been a flurry of questions about SB 350, the lane splitting bill introduced by California Senator Jim Beall last week. Most of the questions center around the intent of the “three lanes” requirement in the bill’s text. I emailed…
It’s been a big week for us here at LaneSplittingIsLegal.com. First – and most importantly – I want to say a great big HUGE and heartfelt thanks to everyone: folks who liked this page, spread the word by sharing a…
Hot on the heels of all the recent attention to the CHP lane splitting guidelines, California State Senator Jim Beall introduced Senate Bill 350, a vaguely worded bill which – despite its lack of specifics in most areas – seems…