Your order is complete—a receipt should show up in your email shortly, and you can also log into your PayPal account to view your order details.
This is all about getting the word out, and sticker purchases by awesome folks like you help fund the distribution of free stickers at bikes shops and events across California, not to mention helping to keep this here website running. The more stickers there are out on the roads, the more informed drivers will be. Thanks again for your support!
We’d really love it if you’d share a photo or two of our stickers on your bike, truck, your grandma’s station wagon… whatever. Send ’em to or post ’em up on our Facebook page.
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- Keep an eye on lane splitting news here at
- Like our Facebook page for good discussions on safety, splitting tips and other good stuff.
- Follow us on Twitter.
- Sign up for our email list—just click that “subscribe” button up in the navigation bar. We don’t send email, and we’ll never share your email address.
Most importantly, please share the site with your fellow riders and drivers alike.